At first i thought easy i enjoy a good chick flick every now and then and a bit of light hearted romance never hurt anybody. i told a few of the girls in work my idea and asked them to help com up with a list of films that i could watch my enthusiasm for this challenge soon dropped when the suggestions came flying in thick and fast and i realised that i have only seen pretty mild chick flicks and there was a good reason for me not watching films like steel magnolias or beaches!
But never one to back out from a challenge on Sunday the 17th of April i sat down to watch the first chick flick of my challenge!
So the plan was to spend a lazy sunday afternoon watching chickflicks, this all got disrupted when we had a really hot summers day so my sunday consisted of a bbq and ice cream on barry island beach with my good friend Claire 'Amazon' Shepherd and the womens rugby team. Looking for inspiration i told the girls about the challenge and they decided i should write a review of every film i watch as proof that i have watched them. Again another thing i agreed to without thinking it through! thank god i have an iphone as this has helped me write notes no end.
Right so after a long day and a lot of waffaling on this thing, i sat down to watch chick flick number 1!
Film 1 Mean Girls,
so film number one is mean girls, basically a high school film where the new girl pretends to fit in with the popular girls to seek revenge on them for being mean to geeky kids, i was expecting more from this film after all the rave reviews it got and recommendations it had. personal higlights are when girls got randomly hit by the yellow school bus and it did teach american girls to be nbicer to each other
Film 2 The sweetest thing,
Again another film that came highly recommended, the story lines baisically a girl who is out with her friends meets he mr right and lets the opportunity pass and goes on bit of a road trip to find him. i thought the story line was a bit weak but the moments of complete random comedy made uit worth watchimg especially the too big song!
4stars (purely for the too big song)
Film 3 the jane austin book club,
A group of people decide to form a book club discussing the works of jane asutin along the way the memebers of the group find comfort in each other and are able to grow as people. this was bit of a slow burner where not alot happens but the characters were really sweet and loveable which kept me interested i wanted to know how they got on even though i didnt really care for the plot.
2 stars
That was day one which was pretty heavy going and to be fair to Claire she was pretty good at making me cups of tea and feeding me snacks, your a trooper kid! although we ran out of time for film four, a tired and weary andy called it a day.
Disappointed we couldnt watch as many films as we planned i got guilted into taking another trip to barry so we could watch the fourth again pringles and dip at the ready we sat down for film four!
Film 4 Erin Brokovich,
What can i say amazing film and a true story to boot, Erin is a single mum who gets a job as a legal assistant who struggles to get taken seriously with her trashy clothes and earthy manners, this soon changes when she almost single handedly brings down a power company accused of polluting a citys water supply. I was pretty much hooked from the beginning and Julia Roberts is pretty amazing in it well worth a look!
5 stars!
Film 5 Whip it,
I really enjoyed this film and i really enjoyed Ellen Page, the story is a small town girl swaps beauty pagents for roller derby. Its a sweet tale of following your heart and not letting fear get in the way of your dreams a message we could all learn from, overall good performances and a solid story line.
4 stars
Film 6 Ondine,
Colin Farrell discovers a woman in his fishing net, but her identity is shrouded in mystey... this film started off really well but the ending really let it down it was full of mystery and intrigue and you started to care for the characters but then it let itself down.
3 stars
Film 7 Crazy/Beautifull,
Rich girl kirsten dunst falls in love with a poor latino boy from the wrong side of the tracks. the story was very sweet if a little sickley in places, but nothing makes this film stand out at all.
2 stars
Film 8 Say anything...
"To know Lloyd Dobler is to love him, Diane Court is about to know Lloyd Dobler"
A noble under achiever wants nothing more than to go out with the intelligent Diane Court, this film shows the trials and tribulations of a couple straight out of high school. i really enjoyed this classic 80's chickflick. I may have enjoyed this a little too much just because John cusack is in it! its a pretty standard film but does it all well.
4 stars
Film 9 In her shoes,
A straight laced girl chucks her party girl sister out for sleeping with her fella, who then goes to stay with her grandmother who she hasnt seen for many years. This was one of the films i wasnt expecting to enjoy, but i must admit i actually quite enjoyed it, the storyline was good and the characters strong,
5 stars!
Film 10 Remeber me,
This is a story of depressed boy meets girl, Robert Patterson won me over with this his performance in this film, as young man stuggling with family life after his brothers suicide, he meets a girl who has just as many issues as him. Quite possibly one of the saddest films i have ever seen. itt got my crying more than once, hard to say i enjoyed the film because it was so grim but it was gripping.
4 stars
so thats the first ten films done, i would write some more but im starting to fall asleep this takes a lot longer than i thought will hopefully bang the next load of films up tomorrow.
if you enjoyed my ramblings there will be more tell your friends click on the adds and leave me a comment
Peace and love guys xx
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