the following bank holiday monday i get invited round my friend Adams house for a bbq a few cans out the back chilling it was real men behaving badly kinda stuff obviously we get to talking about the challenge and decide to watch a movie i tell him it has to be a chick flick so we end up watching film 11!
Film 11 Easy A,
A clean cut girl uses her schools rumour mill to raise her social standings, basically she pretends to be a bit loose to get more popular then the geeky kids start paying her to pretend she slept with them to raise they're social status but where does it end??? i really enjoyed this film i found the format different to those i have seen previously. I also liked the references to other chickflicks especially the reference to say anything!
4 stars
This film was followed by top gun so we could go back to being manly men! Although the debate still goes on whether or not top gun is a chick flick? There is a lot of love story in that film plus the homo erotic volley ball scene! Luckily i have already seen Top gun so it would count anyways but i will let you decide!
Film 12 Mona Lisa Smile,
Julia Roberts delivers once again as a 50's art professor teaching in a conservative girls school, the girls in the school all dream of becoming housewives but julia opens their eyes to they're true potential and shows them there is more to life than finding a husband. I wasnt expecting to enjoy this film as much as i did. it was entertainment with morals. plus it has gennifer goodwin in it and im starting to develop a crush on her!
5 stars!
film 13 save the last dance,
a white girl moves to Chicago, with her ballerina back ground can this white girl learn to dance hip hop style? yes. film done. i was very much underwhelmed by this film, everything seemed pretty standard and run of the mill. But not the worst way to pass the time. Although it was very mediocre.
2.5 stars
Film 14 Four weddings and a funeral,
Classic Hugh Grant comedy, A comedy drama about a group of british friends the title says the rest! i enjoyed this film did what it said on the tin, not the best rom com ever but certainly not the worst will admit the funeral scene did get me and almost stole the show. Did the basics well.
3 stars
film 15 the greatest,
A young couple get together after high school but their romance gets cut short when he gets killed in a car wreck. Her mother gets sent to rehab, all alone she discovers she's pregnant and moves in with her boyfriends family. This film was really good a massive tear jerker, but really sweet at the same time i really felt for everyone in this film.
4 stars
Film 16 fireflies in the garden,
Ryan Reynolds reflects on his abusive childhood at a family function, this film had some really sad moments in it as you seen the abuse the lead character had to endure whilst growing up. Im not really sure what the point of this film was it was very slow and very dull the only parts that stood out for me were the slightly disturbing scenes of abuse. Not a film i will be watching again soon.
1 star
Film 17 Leap year,
A girl follows her long term boyfriend to dublin to propose to him on leap day where its tradition for the girl to pop the question. She meets a loveable Irish rogue whom she pays to take her to Dublin, comedy and disaster ensue. This film could be very insulting if you were Irish as it takes the stereotypical Irish persona even more extreme than PS I love you! The only thing missing from this film was a leprechaun! saying that it was quite a polite enjoyable watch a little predictable but entertaining none the less! must give a special mention to Louis the unsung hero of the film!!
3 stars
Film 18 rachel getting married,
just out of rehab kym attends her sisters wedding. Thats it, this film was shot like a wedding video of somebody you didnt know, or even care for. probably the worst film i have ever seen! there is so much footage that should have been left on the cutting room floor! the only good part is when kym punches her mum!! Anne hatherway what were you thinking????
0 stars
Film 19 An officer and a gentleman,
Richard Gere goes through navy flight school training and needs help from his tough drill instructor and his girlfriend. really good film. i thought it may have been a bit blokey for a chick flick but hay i enjoyed it! strong cast and a story well told. I enjoyed recognising where this film had been referenced by others that i have seen. Especially love the scene at the end where he takes her out of the factory that has been used by the simpsons!!
4 stars
Film 20 Brothers,
Toby maguire plays a marine who gets sent to Afghanistan and gets presumed dead when his helicopter gets shot down, meanwhile jake gyllenhall his brother comforts his wife and helps her deal with her grief the two form an unlikely bond fuelled by their grief. Sometime later Toby returns home after being tortured and abused by his captors and finds it hard to deal with home life and his brothers friendship with his wife. This film was very good and very powerful although im still not sure how im supposed to feel about the characters in this film as they are all genuine and its circumstance thats torn their lives apart.
4 stars
Well thats another ten done Boom! i must admit at this point the high number of intense emotional films i have been watching have slowly been taking effect of me, i have become ridiculously sensitive over the littlest things and after a few drinks with the boys i have found my self in floods of tears over come with emotion. For this reason i have decided that i will have to choose the order in which i watch films a bit more carefully cant watch tear jerker after tear jerker need to throw in some light hearted films into the mix! and space them out a bit.
So far the journey has been a good one im getting better at this blogging malarky too i feel. If any one has a copy of Gigli i can lend please let me know! according to the internet movie database its one of the worst films of all time i need to see this film!
Peace and love xx
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